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Water SolutioNZ was established by Dr Alexander Rodionov in 2016 to provide expert consultancy services to governmental bodies and private companies to help resolve environmental issues with water, wastewater and solid waste. Alexander`s extremely diverse skillset, combined with over 40 years of experience gained across Russia, Europe, Africa, and NZ (last 20 years) enable us to always find cost-effective solutions in the areas where others often fail.


A word from the founder:


"I feel privileged to be able to help keeping New Zealand`s clean and green status for the last 20 years. Prior to founding Water SolutioNZ, I held key positions implementing a number of significant environmental projects in Europe, Africa and NZ. My strong scientific background diversified with solid practical experience helped elaborate my own approach to problem-solving which works irrespective of area of application. My circle of interest includes water and environmental engineering, animal and human nutrition, analytical and water chemistry, resource recovery, chemical and hydrometallurgy and other disciplines. Since relocation to New Zealand in 2001, I have been instrumental in the development of a number of novel processes for the Dairy Industry and designed/commissioned the NZ`s first dairy shed effluent system with fully controlled discharge of nutrients; developed and commissioned a number of package domestic WWTPs, two major industrial WWTPs for the NZ Aluminium Industry, resource recovery system for the avocado processing turning waste into profit, Advanced Bioremediation Technology allowing considerable reduction of biosolids without chemicals and my landmark project - the Scott Base WWTP in Antarctica."

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